Wednesday, December 17, 2008

“You're gonna need a bigger boat.”

Miss Julia has bought several things since she’s been here. At last viewing it was two entire suitcases of stuff of which we’re carrying back one for her on our next return trip (because we’re nice that way). There’s a lot of packing and repacking to evenly distribute the weight, preserve the fragile items and generally try not to look more over the limit than an American family on their third visit to the “all you can eat” buffet.

Our bathroom scales once again bear the brunt of delivering unwelcome news as we heave cases onto them and the girls quibble over how bathroom scales “always over estimate”. I keep schtum, for once, demonstrating my mouth doesn’t always run ahead of my brain.

1 comment:

Prathmesh said...

Hey nice illustrious pic '..shipment tumbling but not a single fell!!' ..amazing.. Yeah in this case a big-no-"bigger" boat is aplways welcome.. lol! :-)