Monday, December 8, 2008

“Sir and Brad Pitt – not so much”

Our driver Rishi is a man who knows what side his chapatti is buttered on.

As he is driving Madam, Miss Julia and Sir onto another purchasing expedition, Miss Julia asks him about his previous employment. Before becoming a contracted driver for B.T., Rishi used to be a driver for the Sheraton and his previous human packages put any London cabbies stories of “I had that in the back of my cab” firmly in the shade.

He has carried Bill Clinton, a man with his finger firmly on the (intern) trigger. He has carried Robert De Niro (and when you’ve dated Naomi Campbell, Delhi traffic holds no fear for you). But the cherry on the cake is he has driven Angelina Jolie. And then he utters the words that ensures large tips for the rest of his employment with us

“But Madam is much lovelier”

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