Sunday, January 4, 2009

“You don’t have go home, but you can’t stay here…”

Alexandra, Jane, and Sukie have decided we all need to stop into FabIndia as it’s been at least a day since any shopping was done. Simon and I lose interest after a while and drift around for a while, grunting when repeatedly asked “What do you think of this?” and attempting to go to our respective happy places in our heads while the sartorial water-boarding continues.

Eventually the light bulbs over our heads light up and we realise that with both drivers outside, we could take one back the hotel. With a speed that shames Carl Lewis we’re out the door and heading back.

Eventually the girls return. It turns out that they were eventually turfed out of the shop, albeit ever so politely, as the staff all wanted to lock up and go home having passed their closing hours by a good 30 minutes.

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