Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The puppy ate my blog

I know I’ve been a tad lax in updating this but I have a good excuse. Actually I have several but Memsahib says none of them are believable and this is the best of a bad lot. Two of the local dogs round our way have had puppies. Very, very cute puppies. They sleep in a nearby culvert and the local guards keep an eye on them.

The big question I have is how two dogs with predominately orange colouring have produced such a doggy rainbow. I mean look at them - chocolate brown, tan, black, black and white, and even grey. Maybe the female dog has some explaining to do.

Anyway I have been so overwhelmed with the cuteness of them that I have neglected all my duties. But now I’m back on track. Clean and sober. Ready for a second chance. (Is this the bit where I mention letting God come into my life?). I’m all geared up to shovel a backload of updates into the maw of you the audience over the next day to bring us all back up to date together. But first I just need to go pat the puppies…

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